Featured E-course:
How to Self-Publish Your #NaNoWriMo Project
Category: Writer Strategy
Skill Level: Beginner
Date Recorded: November 16, 2018
It’s November. That means it is National Novel Writing Month, more often called #NaNoWriMo. If you’re participating, then you are likely busting your tail right now trying to figure out how to get to your 50,000-word count goal. More power to ya!
But what are you going to do when you’re done?
At Fistbump Media, we strongly believe that the world needs your voice. It needs your story. So that’s why we do everything we can to help people get their stories and ideas out there.
And that’s what this webinar is about.
We’ll talk through the publishing process, and help you get a simple plan in place so that your hard work this month can become a published work.
We’ll discuss things like:
- Why you should publish your story
- Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing
- Getting your work ready for publishing
- E-book publishing
- Print-on-demand publishing
- Marketing your book
Hopefully, when you finish this webinar, you’ll have a strong vision for what you’d like to do with your #NaNoWriMo project after November, and the confidence that you’ll be able to accomplish it.
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